Adding value, through integration

Contract Award23

We are excited to announce that FMI Group Services have been awarded a 3 year contract by Premier Nutrition across their midlands portfolio. 

Our 3 year contract incorporates all statutory compliance testing and maintenance along with site based engineers complimenting the in house team to provide ongoing reactive maintenance and repairs.

Premier Nutrition are the first client to benefit from our new Management system Job Logic.

We have teamed up with Job Logic and their developers to provide an exceptional management system to our all contracted clients enabling the effective planning and management of all PPM and Reactive works. Our clients now benefit from the Client Portal where they have real time instant access to all live and historic data. 

We are accredited with The Safe Contractor Scheme which is an SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) approved health and safety assessment for contractors who want to demonstrate that they are taking responsibility for their legal health and safety requirements.